Saturday, 24 September 2011

In Herself

This whole vagabond side of me has started to take perspective. i cannot breathe, am panicking? i think its this whole hell hole thing... i mean LDC. Everyone seems to tell me to brace myself for the hardest time of my career choice...blah blah. So i get it ? i mean getting into the damn institution was really hard and all the sleep and weight i lost over the damn pre entry exam was evidence enough. 

so dear fellow vagabonds am guessing this is one hard walk to tread. but needless to say i have a plan. This i think i learnt from one of  T.V's and histories greatest personalitiesais one of the best moves to win a war.   (read Hitler) or maybe Mussolini.These Vagabonds were really great with plans especially ...well war stuff.

but this is a war fellow vagabonds so i have devised the greatest plan:

1. stay away from shorts, spanx, socks, 9 inch shoes ( this is going to hurt real bad) Anyway the significance of this first step means throwing (scratch that) am shelving my party gear...sob :-)

2. Utilizing my insomnia. ( definitely digging into my sleep life) this is the worst. well of course i used to dance the hours away but reading the hours away is not that "Dancexciting"

3. Man Up ... This is totally uncool . i cannot concentrate on my plan because of this Super 8 movie....terribly kiddish i must say but well its still distracting me.

Orogot Pamela

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